My hold shelf was empty! Well, except for the Kidz Bop 5 CD, as we continue our death march through the Kidz Bop oeuvre, but that hardly counts. Two "recommended" books fell into my hands:
- Below Zero, C.J. Box, because I liked the other Box book I read, and
- Touched by an Alien, because I've seen it on a lot of blogs.
Then we grabbed 5 more CDs and headed out into the sunshine. Kids wanted nothing, but they are still enjoying the return to school libraries.

Total Books from Library Elf (counting all the kid stuff that I'm legally responsible for even if I hope not to read it): 46. Stuff on my card: 46. Hmm, Amanda's card is showing as inactive; I'd better check that next week.
I'll go sign up for Library Loot this week. That's a weekly event hosted by either Claire from The Captive Reader (this weeks host) or by Marg from Adventures of an Intrepid Reader where bloggers can share their library finds of the week. Some of them make me look restrained.