Happy Turkey Day! My son came home and there was much rejoicing. Actually my boys spend Thanksgiving Day itself with their dad, because despite the fact that he doesn't really celebrate it he doesn't want his sons to spend to major holidays with me, but before and after he hung out with me.
I made a pretty turkey that was moist and delicious, and my sister made a zillion side dishes that I filled up on. It's a good family group, plus a few extras to make the holiday even better. We substituted Uno for Apples to Apples for our after dinner pre-pie game, which was fun if not quite as conducive to congeniality and lazy lounging.
I didn't really read much this week, although I've got two library books coming due and a pile of Cybils reading to finish. Oh well, it is what it is. Currently Reading has wavered and wriggled and returned to 23, but that includes some slow moving graphic novels that I don't really count.
The Book Date does a weekly roundup of what people are reading, want to read, or have read each week called It's Monday! What Are You Reading but I'm late so probably won't sign up.. There's also a version that is kidlit focussed. I'll go look to see what everyone else was reading at either Teach Mentor Text or UnLeashing Readers.
This Week I started:

When Breath Becomes Air, Paul Kalanithi. Many recommendations and the library had it out.
Black Butler, Vol 10, Yana Toboso. Notice the substitute butler on the cover.
Bitter Spirits, Jenn Bennett. A Vaginal Fantasy book. I am months behind on these.
I finished:

A Study in Charlotte, Brittany Cavallaro. A Cybils YA book. The drug use, while completely appropriate for a retelling of a Holmes & Watson story, made it hard for me to like this book, and the police stupidity also didn't help. In the end I liked both characters, but I wish it were possible for Watson to have a friendship with a girl without forcing a romance.
Black Butler, Vol 10, Yana Toboso. I enjoyed this one, despite still being unable to tell the rather large cast of characters apart. I knew the ones that would recur, so I just lumped the others together. And since I guessed the (well-telegraphed) twist, I felt all clever. I'll order the next one up from my library soonish.
When Breath Becomes Air, Paul Kalanithi. Well, that was as well-written as I had heard, and just as sad as I expected. When his wife got pregnant I knew it was just about all over, because I knew (from the introduction? Somehow) that he was dangerously weak during his wife's labor. A good book for realizing how much of your life has slipped away unnoticed and unused.
I started 3 and finished 3. That's better than I thought I was doing.
Bookmarks moved in:

Alliance of Equals, Sharon Lee & Steve Miller. Episode 25. My favorite strand right now is the ones with people dealing with a new AI who is a little bit unbalanced with a tendency to react lethally in inappropriate situations.
Great Pumpkin Suite, Melanie Hill. I creep ahead towards the mutilation part.
First Impressions, Nora Roberts. 4/6. My audio Reading my Library Quest book. Maryland again! Now that Vance is getting laid he's turning out to be a nice guy. A bit bossy, but has potential.
Make Me Stay, Jaci Burton. My current Reading My Library book, it's is stuck in Oklahoma, which is good, but I'm not that invested in the relationship, which is not ideal in a romance book.
Rebel, Sherwood Smith & Rachel Manija Brown. Their beach cautionary signs need some improvement, but it's a fun way to get estranged siblings to work together.
These I'm barely reading; I use them as palate cleansers between books I'm actually reading.

Kenilworth, Sir Walter Scott.
A Traitor to Memory, Elizabeth George.
The Quantum Universe, Brian Cox.
Reading and Learning to Read, Jo Anne Vaca.
2017 Challenge Progress:
- Cybils 2016! 53/107-ish. Working through elementary Graphic Novels and also back at the YAs. I'm not looking likely to finish by the end of the year.
- Reading My Library: Working on First Impressions for my next audio, and made a little progress Make Me Stay from the top of the next bookcase.
- Where Am I Reading?: 36/51. But I think that number is wrong -- it should be 37.