February will not see a return to diary blogging, but I'm keeping a toe-hold with this monthly update.
My mom got really sick, and most of February was taking her to doctors, trying to figure out what was going on, helping her at home, helping her at hospital, worrying... She's still not better, so my excuse for not blogging is better than ever. Dang. I did get to see my brother and aunt, who came in to help out.
This post is, like the last one, exceeding boring. It's just lists. Books that I started or continued during February and books I finished. You can go look on Goodreads (see Currently Reading links) if you are dying to see what I thought about them...
I didn't even attempt to include picture books.
I'm still working through some of the Cybils nominees I started last year. Good golly, I just realized that Valentine's Day happened. I need to read all the Cybils!
And I was still in a few book clubs, and occasionally I would run screaming from obligation and read something else.
Call Him Jack: The Story of Jackie Robinson, Black Freedom Fighter, Yohuru Williams. Cybils nominee.
Your Perfect Year, Charlotte Lucas. I found this on my Kindle.
Brightness Falls From the Air, James Tiptree Jr. Sword and Laser January pick.
Eclipse the Moon, Jessie Mihalik. Second in a lightweight space romance series.
The Thursday Kidnapping, Antonia Forest. Picked this because I couldn't get the author's book actually discussed on Fantasy Bookswap.
The Heart Principle, Helan Huang. Renton library's River Runs Under It is doing Huang's second book, but I've read this so I wanted to read the third. There are some overlap characters so I hope it reminds me of the right book club book enough.
Surprise! Surprise!, Agatha Christie. Taking my mom back to the hospital meant finding a good easy read. Predictable mystery short stories were just the ticket.
Wee Free Men, Terry Pratchett. Fantasy Book Swap inspired me to finally get this of my TBR list. I'm glad I got the illustrated edition from the library.
Nettle and Bone, T. Kingfisher. Sword and Laser pick. Always good when they pick a book already in my TBR bookcase!
Aspects, Mike Ford. Recommended at Scintillation.
Rise (Fence Vol 4), C. S. Pacat. Oops, I've caught up to the current volume of this graphic novel.
Disability Visibility, Alice Wong. Because I really liked the YA version, a Cybils nominee.
Dates From Hell, Kim Harrison & others.
Cramm This Book So You Know WTF Is Going on in the World Today, Olivia Seltzer. Cybils nominee.
The Wife He Needs, Brenda Jackson. Renton Romance Club -- February is Brenda Jackson month.
Justice on the Brink, Linda Greenhouse. February Torches and Pitchforks book.
Age of Deception, T.A. White.
Freedom! The Story of the Black Panther Party, Jetta Grace Martin. Cybils nominee.
Days of Infamy: How a Century of Bigotry Led to Japanese American Internment. Lawrence Goldstein. Cybils nominee.
Brightness Falls From the Air, James Tiptree Jr. Sword and Laser January pick.
Eclipse the Moon, Jessie Mihalik.
Four Streets and a Square: A History of Manhattan and the New York Idea, Marc Aronson. Cybils nominee.
White Fragility (Adapted For Young Adults): Why Understanding Racism Can Be So Hard For White People, Toni Graves Williamson. Cybils nominee.
The Thursday Kidnapping, Antonia Forest. Wow, what a bad day.
Surprise! Surprise!, Agatha Christie. My tolerance for suspense (in a hospital emergency room with my elderly mother) was so limited I kept reading the conclusions of the short stories and then going back to the middle.
Tinker, Wen Spencer. Foolscap book club does ROMANCE. I count it a success when one member goes on to read the rest of the series.
Wee Free Men, Terry Pratchett. Fantasy Book Swap inspired me to finally get this of my TBR list. I'm glad I got the illustrated edition from the library. The illustrations were clever as well as lovely and really enhanced the reading experience.
Ascendance of a Bookworm, Part 5 Vol 2, Miya Kazuki. I eked this out as slowly as possible, savoring every word. And then I went back to Part 2 and started a reread from there.
Rise (Fence Vol 4), C. S. Pacat. The boarding school aspect causes me to read these as fantasy.
Bookmarks Moved (Or Languished) In:

Cobra, Timothy Zahn. Still catching up. I'm in the right year!
Threadbare, Elle E. Ire. Book club pick from a few months back.
Tin, Kenny Padraig. Next audio in my Renton Highlands Library Quest.
Sweep of the Heart, Ilona Andrews. Got it from the library!
In Wild Light, Jeff Zentner. Cybils 2021 YA Finalist.
Flood Circle, Harry Connolly. YAY! Another Twenty Palaces book. I'm inching my way through a tough scene.
Inaugural Ballers, Andrew Maraniss. Cybils nominee. History I didn't know. I mean, there's lots of sports history I don't know, but this is interesting stuff.
Indigenous America, Liam McDonald. Cybils nominee.
Me and White Supremacy: Young Reader's Edition, Layla S. Saad. Cybils nominee.
Island of the Mad, Laurie R. King.
Ship Without Sails, Sherwood Smith. This is still cool. Very immersive.
Palate Cleansers
These books I'm barely reading; lately I use them as bribes to get me to deal with the mail. I've been ignoring my mail.
50 Great Poets, ed. Milton Crane (no picture). Slogging through some dull old guys.
Stinger, Nancy Kress. I like this.
Dragon's Breath, E.D. Baker.
The Writer's Stance: Reading and Writing in the Disciplines, Dorothy U. Seyler.
You Can Write Children's Books, Tracey E. Dils. Middle grade ideas.
Year of Wonder, Clemency Burton-Hill. Into March!
Reading Challenges
- Cybils 2021: Not done.
- Early Cybils: Not done.
- Reading My Library. My libraries have many shelves.
- Where Am I Reading 2022. Never finished updating this.
- Libraries: 44/55 for the Tacoma Extreme Challenge: Never finished writing them up.
Future Plans
I'm putting this at the end because I suspect it's complete fiction, but I feel I should attempt some structure.
I am reading:
- Book I own: Threadbare
- Library Book: Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation Vol 4
- Ebook I own: Flood Circle
- Library Ebook: Aspects
- Book Club Book: all the Foreigner books by C.J. Cherryh
- Tuesday Book Club Book: Priory of the Orange Tree
- Review Book: Back Home
- Rereading:
- Audio: Tin, Call Me Jackie