Woot! I turned in my novel! I finished 50,000 words just before the big showdown scene where the good guys face off against the villain. I hope I still write that part.
Also, Thanksgiving happened, I made a turkey, I made a side dish, I made an EXTRA side dish, and I talked my kids into making an ice box cake. Or two. And I obtained a pie. And helped eat the soup, stuffing, casserole, vegetables, rolls, and two more pies that other people kindly made for me. Yum!
Leftovers are mostly done, with some stock and bits of turkey that are about to become Turkey Tetrizini (sp?).
The Book Date is collecting the roundups of what everyone is reading and talking about this week. I'll also look in with Teach Mentor Texts which does the same thing for kidlit, since I read a kid book.

The Traitor Baru Cormorant, Seth Dickinson. Last month's Sword and Laser pick. I was right about the ending being tough. A good read, but tough. I'll hand it along to the older kid.
Roller Girl, Victoria Jamieson. This energetic children's graphic novel combines a fascinating peek into the world of Roller Ball (of which I've attended a match, which was fun but did not inspire me to pursue the sport) with a coming of age story about growing away from old friends, meeting new ones, and redefining oneself within your family.
And I started two new books:

City of Saints, Andrew Hunt. This is for my Reading My Library Quest. I started it early because I thought I couldn't renew it, but then I did. Now I'm reading it because it is set in Utah.
The Last Chance Christmas Ball, (many). I only read the prologue by Jo Beverley.
Bookmarks Moved in two books, plus the audio:

City of Saints, Andrew Hunt. This is for my Reading My Library Quest. I started it early because I thought I couldn't renew it, but then I did. Now I'm reading it because it is set in Utah.
The Last Chance Christmas Ball, (many). I only read the prologue by Jo Beverley.

audio: Lord of Scoundrels, Loretta Chase. Saved again! She fell asleep. After enough touching to make me very uncomfortable, but well done Chase! And then back to stuff about his mom and handling the servants, and pretending one doesn't care about one's wife. Reading My Library pick.
14, Peter Clines. Only read through part one. Definitely a creepy house.

The October Country, Ray Bradbury. Small town ladies kids are odd.
If I'm Jewish and You're Christian, What Are the Kids?, Andrea King. What happens when the kids are grown and gone? It's odd how so many of the example families do not associate religion with belief.
Rob Roy, Walter Scott.
Waiting For the Party, Ann Thwaite.
A Traitor To Memory, Elizabeth George.
Reading and Learning To Read, Jo Vacca. How to incorporate phonics in a way that encourages mastery.
2015 Challenge Progress (this week -- NONE):
- Reading My Library: Listened to the audio book.
- Where Am I Reading?: 39/51. Reading a Utah and an Iowa book. It's going to be tight this year.
- Award Winning Book Challenge: I have apparently stopped reviewing books.
- Book Riot Read Harder: 23/24. I still need an African author. Still! Best would be an African author who wrote a book set in Maine.
- Alphabetically Inclined: I V X Z still missing. 22/26. Since I only count books I own, this is hard.
- Best of the Best 2012: 52/25. I am stalled. Maybe time to go back?
- Cybils 2014: Complete! I bought the last one as the libraries didn't seem to have it. WOOT!