Friday, July 15, 2016

Library Hauling!

All right, I may have let this reading challenge thing go to my head, what with the sunny delights of summer and vacations to plan for. I've got all the books I could ever want to read, and not convenient wormhole of time to curl up and read the in. Oh well.

I also went to a few extra libraries to pick up special books for my Team Tapir reading team. Some of these books I got "on spec" and I don't actually have to read them, but when you are building an elaborate pyramid of book titles you have to be ready for flexibility and change.

Anyway, I snuck in early to my main library to pick up a sequel, before I went to two back-up libraries to score books that were on the shelve. While I was there I tripped and found a second sequel. Wow, it would be hard to find to series more different in genre fiction:

Islands of Rage & HopeThe Proposal

My hold shelf loot was mainly the Cybils YA Graphic Finalists:
TerroristHonor GirlThe Lion of RoraMs. MarvelOyster WarNimonaMarch: Book Two (March, #2)

Plus a few for my Team Tapirs reading team:
Duel at Shattered RockKing of New OrleansShe's A Knockout!UnstoppableDeath at Gills RockHow to Cheat at Gardening and Yard Work

And a book club pick, which was also offered up to my Team Tapiers:

Royal Street

Also, I also grabbed many ebooks, mostly for the Team Tapirs:
This Book Is Overdue!AmericaBorn of FuryShadows and LightCards of Grief

That's a total of 55 things out, which includes a lot of vacation reading and stuff that I may or may not end up reading.  I'll go look at the Library Loot which is at The Captive Reader this week to see what everyone else is getting.  Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Claire from The Captive Reader and Linda from Silly Little Mischief that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library. If you’d like to participate, just write up your post - feel free to steal the button (that pile of books up at the top) - and link it using the Mr. Linky any time during the week. 

Library Questing

Here I document any progress I make in my Quest to read a book from every shelf in my local library. So far this week -- nothing!

I'm still enjoying the audio version of Flight Behavior by Barbara Kingsolver. I'm on disc 7 of the latter, and I managed to renew it.

1 comment:

Claire (The Captive Reader) said...

Love Ms Marvel! Enjoy all your loot.