I put things on hold either because I see them and want to read them, or because of a challenge or list that I am happily working my way along. Of course, many of my challenges I am trying to complete by serendipity, so I can't really blame them for my selections. For challenges, I got:
Then there were four more books on my hold shelf:
Sammy Keyes and the Wedding Crasher, by Van Draanen. I like these kidlit mysteries.
Queen's Play, by Dunnett. The next Lymond book. I'm hooked!
The Man Handler, by Cairo. I saw it on a list of challenged books, so I ordered it in solidarity. I think I see the challenger's point about the porn, now that I see the book.
The Folk Keeper, by Billingsley, because bookshelves of doom recommended it.
So, the library says I now have 53 things checked out. Which is still over my age, dang nab it. Maybe I should move to Venus. Library Loot this week is at The Adventures of an Intrepid Reader, and I'm off to sign up and see what everyone else got.
I have a problem with controlling my putting on hold self as well. I'd probably be worse if I could have 53 books out - 20 is our limit.
Enjoy your loot!
I've tried so hard to read the Dunnett series. I WANT to be hooked, I love the concept, the era is right up my alley but I just can't do it. I think I tried about 4 or 5 times before finally putting the whole set up on half.com and realizing a whopping $6 for them which plus the $4 shipping per book means I actually made money instead of lost but it's still one of the few that I couldn't actually do. Sigh. Maybe I'll try again with a library version now that I actually have a card :)
I was several hundred pages in before I got hooked. All the foreign languages and postering made me grumpy. I've had the book for about five or ten years and never got past the first chapter. But this time reading it reminded me of MM, so I kept going, and eventually fell through and reveled in it.
I have been meaning to try Dunnett ever since finding out that Megan Whalen Turner was a fan...someday!
And I too have The Folk Keeper checked out, doubtless because of the same recommendation!
I have been trying to restrict my loot because they just tend to build up otherwise.
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