Friday, May 13, 2011

I Just Want to Read All the TIme: 48 Hour Book Challenge

48 Hour Book ChallengeOne of my favorite book events of the year is approaching -- MotherReader's 48 Hour Book Challenge will be June 3-5th.  Pick 48 continuous hours with that weekend and READ.  This is the challenge that got me started with blogging.  I'm not really a contender for any top prizes, because I do have a family, although they get plenty of neglect from me that weekend.  Luckily their aunt usually steps forward to feed them occasionally.

Even better, now they are old enough to read along.  So that makes things a meaningful family activity, not just me locking my kids in boxes!  Last year I made 31 hours, 29 reading and 2 blogging.  My older son made 4 hours, which I hope he exceeds this year.  And I hope to entice my younger son to join in. I've been giving them a 24 hour window for their junior challenge, because I'm busy enough tracking MY time.

This might be a good year to again clean up my currently-reading stack, which has remained at alarming heights since my last vacation.  My chosen charity is our elementary school library; I pledge $1/hour plus $1/book finished.  Hmm, and $1/comment on the posts.  And I'd better go stock up on an audio book for any driving I have to do (last year I made my son read aloud to me when he wanted me to run an errand during my precious reading time).

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