- The Kneebone Boy, Ellen Potter
- Bad Prince Charlie, John Moore
- The Unsinkable Walker Bean, Aaron Renier
- Territory, Emma Bull
- Penny Dreadful, Laurel Snyder
- Vengeance (Wilderness), David Thompson
- The One-Week Job Project, Sean Aiken
- Y: The Last Man, Vol 1: Unmanned, Brian K Vaughan
- Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Vol 2, Naoyuki Kageyama
- Year of Wonders, Geraldine Brooks (NOOK)
- Nightfall, Ellen Connor
- Dragonbreath, Ursula Vernon
- Dragonbreath: Curse of the Were-Weiner, Ursula Vernon
- The Dead and the Gone, Susan Beth Pfeffer (NOOK)
- Dragonbreath: Lair of the Bat Monster, Ursula Vernon
- Fever Crumb, Philip Reeve
- The Seven Daughters of Eve, Bryan Sykes
- Martin Bridge: Ready for Take Off, Jessica Scott Kerrin
- Hit List, Laurel K Hamilton
- Ubiquitous, Joyce Sidman
- A Summer Spell (Magic Kitten #1), Sue Bentley
- A Killer's Kiss, William Lashner (NOOK)
- Dreadnaught: Beyond the Frontier, Jack Campbell
- Horns, Joe Hill (NOOK)
- The Bargain Bride, Barbara Metzger
- Archangel's Consort, Nalini Singh
- In the Shadow of Goll (Droon), Tony Abbott
- Omnitopia, Diane Duane (audio)
What am I reading right now? Too many things!
- Rot and Ruin, Jonathan Maberry. a Cybils book
- Started Early, Took My Dog, Kate Atkinson.
- Keeper, Kathi Appelt. From the next library shelf.
- I Now Pronounce You Someone Else, Erin McCahan. Cybils YA book, but so scary I took a break to read the Zombie one instead (teen marriages -- EEK).
- Buffy, Ballads, and Bad Guys Who Sing, ed by Kendra Leonard. Essays on music in the Whedonverse.
- Dakota Ambush, by William Johnstone. Or I would be reading this if I could find it...
- and a bunch of books I'm poking at but not really making progress with.
What will I read next? I'm working on a pile of almost-due library books. Some are for challenges, which leads me to my challenge status:
A-Z: 41/52. I can't believe I haven't read any authors with names starting with "N."
Cybils: 56/76. And I'm reading two more right now.
Global Reading Challenge:12/21. Hmm, this one needs work.
Read Around the World: 19/20. One more that I'll review and then put up.
Science Book Challenge: 2.141/3.141... When I review Seven Daughters of Eve I'll add that in.
Stream: 3/3, 1/3, 3/3, 3/3. I have to figure out how to register myself as done.
Take a Chance: 7/10. I'm picking through the Economist's list for #4. And I have a library recommend for #1.
20/11: 19/20. If I review a book I've bought new, I'm done! But I haven't reviewed any of them. Oops.
What's In a Name?: 5/6. Just finished one! And I got a better Evil book.
Where Am I Reading?: 28/50. Stupid Dakota book is still missing! And now I have three Tennessee books.
1 comment:
Just hopping through, hope you have a great week and enjoy your reads ;)
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