This is Week Four of the
Triple Dog Dare, a time for resisting all new books. My cold hearted children left me to wander the halls of my beautiful local library by myself, resisting the siren calls of all the beautiful books.
Of course, it's also time to grab the next stack of Reading My Library Quest books, which I declared to be off-dare, so my misery was slightly mitigated. And a long-awaited hold book turned up. Really, someone who didn't know me would not have known I was on a dare as I checked out six new books... Oh, I forgot to mention that I snuck into the library late last week and grabbed a book of the hold shelf even though it wasn't officially Library Day. Don't tell anyone!

Horde, Ann Aguirre. I've had this on hold for months now; my son will steal it for a week or so and then I'll get to finish Aguirre's post-apocalyptic story. She's on my automatic-read list now.
Black Duck, Janet Taylor Lisle. This is from my online TBR list, and I have no memory of how it got there. At some point I thought it was a book I'd like to read, so I'll trust past-me's knowledge of my preferences.
Love, Ruby Lavender, Deborah Wiles. From the W shelf in the last corner of my library's J fiction section. I think this is the same illustrator as for the
Clementine books, which I love. Also, it takes place in Mississippi. I have my eye on my geography challenge here.

100 Cupboards, Nathan Wilson. This books sounds very familiar to me; I'm pretty sure I've heard it recommended somewhere. Also, I like cupboards.
The Unseen Guest (The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place), Mary Rose Wood. I quite liked the first book in this series (of which there were five copies on the shelf), and I'm a bit sad that there were no copies of the 2nd book. I hope I like this 3rd book!

When Molly Was a Harvey Girl, Frances M. Wood. I'm not sure why this was on the next library shelf, since it's alphabetically before Maryrose Wood, but I liked the cover, I'm interested in the time period, and I think it takes place in New Mexico. Win win win!
The Floating Circus, Tracie Vaughn Zimmer. Another historical fiction, although I'm not sure exactly where it takes places. This book is from the absolutely last shelf of Juvenile Fiction -- after this I'm on to J nonfiction, which I think is mostly picture books. Progress!

This means I now have 38 things out on my library cards, including ebooks. That's pretty good, since it includes CDs and books for my kids as well as my stuff. I'll go share my
Library Loot at the event co-hosted by Claire from the
Captive Reader and Linda from
Silly Little Mischief where all the library addicts compare their treasures.
Book credits banked: Four (Usually I reward myself by buying a book if my library total is less than my age, but since I can't actually buy anything right now I'm counting up these credits.)