Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Good Kiddie Lit

My older son won our family March Madness Tournament, and around May we awarded prizes. Since my sister did particularly poorly and she was in charge of calculating the winner, there was apparently no hurry. Prizes are B&N gift cards, and Alexander picked up the first two books in Sarah Prineas's Magic Thief series. The second one still in hardback, no less. I still can't believe I didn't win -- I picked the final match! And the winner! But not much else, apparently...

Anyway, I have finally finished sulking and so I read the second book in the series, and I liked it even more. Conn in The Magic Thief: Lost is still supremely self-confident, but he isn't always right. His mistakes have terrible repercussions, and while he keeps his solid sense of self he also wrestles with guilt and loneliness as he wonders if he has alienated the people who matter to him. His enemy spends a lot of time several steps ahead of him, and while he begins to earn the respect of some of his former foes, it is a long and slow process. I'm looking forward to the next entry in the series. I recommend this book to solid readers 3-8th grade. Grade A.

And hey, the title reminds me that Megan Whalan Turner's Thief series will also have another book soon.

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