Sunday, January 31, 2010

Library Thursday, Sunday Report

We went to the library last Thursday, and it was a great occasion. I meant to bring snacks, because going straight from school to a double library session is a bit hard, but forgot (of course). So instead I dug deep and offered a more desired treat -- dollars for the library vending machines.

Should I mention that I find it horrible that our library has them? I gather they are there to lure the Teen Reader. Stupid kids today, always on my lawn. But they are magnets of desire to my pre-teen bunch. Luckily for me, the machines only accepted coins today, so they were forced to SHARE. And listen to my pearls of wisdom on the benefits there-of. Meanwhile, my hold shelf offered up:
  • The Lacuna, by Barbara Kingsolver. I'm a little intimidated by this, as it seems a bit erudite. I hope her humor and humanity leaven it enough for proletariat me.
  • Bed of Roses, Nora Roberts. This is actually for my sister, who apparently bought it a few weeks ago. You're welcome, Ms Roberts.
  • The Prisoner, by Carlos J. Cortes, a finalist for the Philip K Dick SF award, as pointed out by Jo Walton.
I then browsed the picture books, and accepted a few offerings from the children, and, at the second library (the snack sustained us), I tripped over a new offering:
  • Space Captain Smith, by Toby Frost. The title sold me.
  • Star Trek Deep Space Nine: The Dominion War, by Diane Carey. I have not the foggiest idea how this book ended up in my library bag. It may have fallen in. Should I read it? Is this a sign? The first time I saw it was at home unloading the bag.
  • The Picture of Morty & Ray, Daniel Pinkwater & Jack E. Davis. This is a fun take on The Picture of Dorian Gray, even though the reference went over my kids' heads.
  • Morris Has a Cold, by Bernard Wiseman. From the library recommended lists.
  • Flap Your Wings and Try, Charlotte Pomerantz. Another recommended book.
  • The Hungry Ghosts, by Julius Lester. I like this author.
  • "I'm Not Cute!" by Jonathan Allen. The cute illustration attracted me.
  • Mrs. Marlowe's Mice, Frank & Devin Asch.
  • When Sophie Gets Angry -- Really Really Angry. Molly Bang. These last three also came from the first three shelves of the picture book section. Reading my way around from two directions at once!
  • A slew of Star Trek and Transformer comics, which I hope to dodge. A Sonic the Hedgehog book-like object lurked among them.
  • Gecko & Sticky: The Villians Lair. Xan and I liked Shredderman, but couldn't find it, so we tried another book by the same author.
  • Some music, including 2 CDs by Hannah Montana. Actually, I think one is by her, and the other by her Jekyll & Hyde alter ego. I embrace current culture.
Total Books from Library Elf (counting all the kid stuff that I'm legally responsible for even if I hope not to read it): 105. Stuff on my card: 96.

I'll go sign up for Library Loot this week. That's a weekly event hosted in turns by Eva's A Striped Armchair and Marg's Reading Adventures (this week's host) where bloggers can share their library finds of the week. Some of them make me look restrained.


Kristen said...

OK, I may have no sefl control in bookstores, but you have less than no self control in libraries. I love that!

Unknown said...

I think it is time to admit the problem, now that you have broken triple digits. Admitting the problem is the first step.

(But thanks for thinking of me with the Roberts book)

Marg said...

I think our library has vending machines as well, although they might have taken them out. They definitely did have that one stage because having the machine there added an extra level of "mummy can I have..." to our library trips for a while there.

Enjoy your loot!