Sunday, June 8, 2014

Science Fiction Romance

Skin Tight - Released 06.10Even evil scientists cannot stop the path of true love! Or even of wild sex, for that matter. Ava Gray, aka Ann Aguirre, writes science fiction books with strong women and powerful men that don't fear them. Ever since Vaginal Fantasies introduced me to Aguirre, I've been picking up her books, from the space opera style Grimspace to the YA post-apocalyptic Horde (approved by my high schooler) and now into her much racier paranormal type romances written as Ava Gray.

Skin Tight is the 2nd book, following the best friend from the previous book and the complicated villain who intrigued her before that whole kidnapping/hostage thing soured their budding friendship. Now they meet up again and manage to have hot sex while diving deeper into the science that started the whole series. Gray does a good job navigating a relationship that started so poorly, and gives Mia reasons to stick with Søren despite his many many flaws. Not great literature, but good for what it tries to be. I'm moving onto the the next book soon.

Biggest complaints? Having a guy lead with funny letters in his name. As I read it I knew I'd have to waste precious minutes figuring out how to blog it. Also, I have no idea who that guy is on the cover, or why he seems to have lost his shirt.

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