Should I mention that I find it horrible that our library has them? I gather they are there to lure the Teen Reader. Stupid kids today, always on my lawn. But they are magnets of desire to my pre-teen bunch. Luckily for me, the machines only accepted coins today, so they were forced to SHARE. And listen to my pearls of wisdom on the benefits there-of. Meanwhile, my hold shelf offered up:
- The Lacuna, by Barbara Kingsolver. I'm a little intimidated by this, as it seems a bit erudite. I hope her humor and humanity leaven it enough for proletariat me.
- Bed of Roses, Nora Roberts. This is actually for my sister, who apparently bought it a few weeks ago. You're welcome, Ms Roberts.
- The Prisoner, by Carlos J. Cortes, a finalist for the Philip K Dick SF award, as pointed out by Jo Walton.
I then browsed the picture books, and accepted a few offerings from the children, and, at the second library (the snack sustained us), I tripped over a new offering:
- Space Captain Smith, by Toby Frost. The title sold me.
- Star Trek Deep Space Nine: The Dominion War, by Diane Carey. I have not the foggiest idea how this book ended up in my library bag. It may have fallen in. Should I read it? Is this a sign? The first time I saw it was at home unloading the bag.
- The Picture of Morty & Ray, Daniel Pinkwater & Jack E. Davis. This is a fun take on The Picture of Dorian Gray, even though the reference went over my kids' heads.
- Morris Has a Cold, by Bernard Wiseman. From the library recommended lists.
- Flap Your Wings and Try, Charlotte Pomerantz. Another recommended book.
- The Hungry Ghosts, by Julius Lester. I like this author.
- "I'm Not Cute!" by Jonathan Allen. The cute illustration attracted me.
- Mrs. Marlowe's Mice, Frank & Devin Asch.
- When Sophie Gets Angry -- Really Really Angry. Molly Bang. These last three also came from the first three shelves of the picture book section. Reading my way around from two directions at once!
- A slew of Star Trek and Transformer comics, which I hope to dodge. A Sonic the Hedgehog book-like object lurked among them.
- Gecko & Sticky: The Villians Lair. Xan and I liked Shredderman, but couldn't find it, so we tried another book by the same author.
- Some music, including 2 CDs by Hannah Montana. Actually, I think one is by her, and the other by her Jekyll & Hyde alter ego. I embrace current culture.

Total Books from Library Elf (counting all the kid stuff that I'm legally responsible for even if I hope not to read it): 105. Stuff on my card: 96.
I'll go sign up for Library Loot this week. That's a weekly event hosted in turns by Eva's A Striped Armchair and Marg's Reading Adventures (this week's host) where bloggers can share their library finds of the week. Some of them make me look restrained.