I'm a bit harsh on her. After all, she did remember to mention the kid to her friends after a few days of rest and relaxation and sex. And she felt a bit bad about it. But I really don't want to spend another 400 pages inside her head.
My currently-reading shelf on shelfari is almost down to one page! Go me! And I just hit my goal of 20 hours. But I'll read something else for a while, because the Armstrong hit a lot of bad triggers for me. If authors put kids in my junk-food books, then the protagonist should not collude in their mistreatment.
My goodness but you're whipping through the books! Or are you finishing up ones that had bookmarks in them? I thought I was doing well -- started and finished three. Went to the library -- doing so much better on the book budget now that I actually go to the library! -- and completed Lady & the Unicorn, Firefly Lane girls and something about archers in the 1300s (obviously didn't much care for that one! and am too lazy to go check the title.). Now I'm out of new books and may have to read the ones I got for the kids summer reading lists: Lloyd Alexander's Time Cat for Chris (Who knew that he wrote stuff other than the Prydain books? I'm thrilled!) and Among the Barons for Gen. Not a big fan of pre-teen girly lit but it's either that or hit a bookstore and I'm trying to be good...
Note to self: Avoid Stolen: A Novel. That's all. You may now resume your challenge.
My theme is all about the languishing bookmarks, so yeah, not as impressive as it looks. On the other hand, mostly adult books instead of kids, since I tend to finish the kidlit.
Lloyd Alexander has written zillions of books -- check out the Westmark books, for example. Is Among the Barons from the Among the Hidden books?
Well, I don't do non-fiction so you have me beat there! I didn't know the Westmark books were LAs. Gen was complaining there was nothing to read when a good 2/3 of my library is YA so I was rather lacking in sympathy although I like fantasy and she likes middleschool girly books. Among the Barons I think is #2 or 3 of the Among the Hidden series so that'll take care of her list this summer. She plowed through the Rick Riordan ones: yay, confirmation that she's really my child :)
You go girl onthat challenge!
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