Thursday, March 17, 2011

With My Little Eye: The Dark Game, True Spy Stories

Paul B. Janeczko made the Cybils Nonfiction Books (Middle Grade and Young Adult) shortlist with his book The Dark Game, so I brought it home for us to read.  Organized in chapters for each war the US made spy strides in, it covers personalities, techniques, and risks as they changed over time.  I relished the all-female Civil War chapter, although the book doesn't make a big deal about girl vs boy spies.  And instead of the Navaho/WWII incident he brings up an earlier, more spontaneous use of Choctaw Code Talkers in World War I;  a captain overheard Corporal Solomon Lewis talking with a friend, and soon Lewis was preventing German interception by organizing radio communication in Choctaw.

I learned a lot and had fun doing it. The sixth grader enjoyed it very much; the fourth grader hasn't nibbled yet.  He's a tough nut to crack.  B+

I think the link to Amazon would benefit the Cybils committee if you bought the book. If I did it right, I mean.

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