Monday, May 2, 2011

Flying Means Reading Paperbacks

Each Monday Sheila at Book Journey asks about how the reading week went -- what people read, what they are reading, what they will read. I visited my dad this week, so I had a couple of long plane trips, which helped me finish some crisis library reading. I've also noticed that I now have a huge backlog of books to post; I usually only post a book a day, and I'm about a month behind. Maybe a reading slump will happen soon, and bring me closer to my daily reading.

What did I read?
  • Blackout, Rob Thurman.  I tried a new urban fantasy, and liked it.
  • Secrets of the Demon, Diane Rowland.  Third book about a detective with magic powers.
  • Every Time a Rainbow Dies, Rita Williams Garcia.  Tough book about teens facing tough lives.
  • Frisco's Kid, Suzanne Brockman.  Romance about a crippled army guy and a schoolteacher.
  • Tiassa, Steven Brust.  Next in the Vlad Taltos series.
  • The Glass Harmonica, Louise Marley.  Musicians meeting across time.
  • The Man-Handler, Cairo.  Waste of a good tree.
  • The Folk Keeper, Fanny Billingsley
  • Plain Kate, Erin Bow
What trends do I see? My over extension at the library is heavily driving my reading choices last week and this week.

Right now I'm reading: 
  • Queen's Play, Dorothy Dunnet, my library Nook book, about to disappear
  • Cagebird, Karin Lowachee. Leftover from trip.
  • Tortall and other Lands, Tamora Pierce, library book
  • Betti on the High Wire, Lisa Railsback, for Cybils challenge
  • Territory, Emma Bull (vacation book)
  • Hammered, Elizabeth Bear (vacation book)
  • Bad Prince Charlie, John Moore (vacation book)
  • Interior Life, Katherine Blake (vacation book) 
  • The Rogue's Return, Jo Beverly (vacation book)
  • The Hob's Bargain, Patricia Briggs (vacation book)
  • Flying Solo Ralph Fletcher (borrowed by a kid, now returned)
  • The Secret Duke, Jo Beverly.  Found under my bedside table with a bookmark.
  • How I Met My Countess, Elizabeth Boyle.  Also found.
I'm just poking at the vacation books; mostly I'm reading the top four.  I've got the new Walsh/Sayers on my list, as well as some books due next week. I may have to do some fast reading tomorrow if I can't renew some stuff.  I also think I'll pull out some nonfiction from my TBR piles.

Quick stats on my Challenges:
A-Z: 25/52.  One more down.  But I see some more qualifiers in the pile.
Cybils: 35/76.  One more.  I'm currently reading another though, plus a poetry book.
Michigan: 1/2 Review waiting to be posted.
Once Upon a Time: 8/5.  I'm listing them before reviewing them.
Read Around the World: 7/20.  Half of my books will end up being Ranger's Apprentice books.  I'm signing up for a setting challenge because authors are hard. 
Stream: 3/3.  I found another biography in the references for my next read.
Take a Chance: 3/10. My dad had the Economist's Best of the Year 2010 list, which helps.
20/11: 13/20. Cruising!
What's In a Name?: 4/6.  
Where Am I Reading?: 19/50.  I got to New York and Louisiana.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved your little comments about the books you read - very funny (especially the one about wasting a good tree). Have a great week!